Thursday, July 30, 2015

I am switching it up and writing before going out, what else did i switch?

I don't have any inspiring quotes or words for y’all today, only excitement! I'm writing this morning in eager anticipation for this evening's God N Dogs. For months now, we've had two groups coming out on the street with us on a regular basis. Foundations young adult group, and the youth group from Colonial Heights Assemblies of God. They've both have shown great enthusiasm to serve and love! There's also been several others who have jumped in and have been helping and contributing in great ways! Carla, Bethany, Philip, the brothers Steve and Ted, my grandparents and cousin Dacota, and of course there is Pastor Ron and whole crew who have been with us for years! I am forever grateful to First UMC for allowing us to use their parking lot all year as well. As I said in my first blog post, our humble effort at changing the world has truly been an act of Kingdom work. So many different people from different places have been coming out to help this vision that Doug, Jim and I had for God N Dogs.
Tonight, I am excited that Foundations will be with us, but we will also have a new group coming. They're from my religious camp and have a goal to branch out and work alongside others to spread the joy of a relationship with Our Lord Jesus. Church of the Resurrection’s youth group will be joining us for the first, of what I hope to be many times, out on the streets.  

As I've said before, I wish in some way we would be able to bridge the gap between the poor in our community, and those who have plenty. I would also like us to have to goal of closing the great divide between denominations. I have no desire to make a non-denominational movement, but instead help folks focus on the commonalities we have and learn how to love and respect each faith walk as we love the world around us.

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