First Post
God N’ Dogs is the street outreach sect of Let’s Rock and Roll and Change the World. The hot dog tailgate party that we throw every week is the avenue that Doug, Jim and I have been using to try and glorify God and bring His “kingdom come” to this world. In God’s kingdom it is said that the lion will lay with the lamb, so we make an effort to bring together some opposites in a harmonious way. Such as bringing middle class to be with the poor and trying to eliminate separations. There will be no barriers between us when we serve. No tables to stand behind and no isolated groups of people who came to serve but are circled up speaking amongst themselves. In fact, I would like to eliminate any idea of service at all, and create an environment and space that is simply for hanging out. Relationships do not usually form in the forced and awkward manner that accompanies the idea of ministry or service. It has been my experience that real relationships come about organically.
I am excited to have this outdoor space that we can use each Thursday night so that we can build consistency and trust here. I think of it, as Mark Scandrette put it in the book “Practicing the Way of Jesus”, a Jesus dojo (a dojo is the practice used for martial arts development) or a space to actively and practically apply the practice of living life as Jesus lived. I am excited to have these partnerships with other christians so we can show to the homeless and to the world this idea of trying to realize, and hopefully one day fully realizing, God’s Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven.
All of that said, this blog will consist of updates about God N’ Dogs. However, it will not just be numbers and name dropping. This outreach is a personal and relational experience for me. I want each and every night out on the street to be just that for our group and folks our group come in contact with. We want to build relationships. Real relationships. We want to point to the Father as Jesus pointed to the Father; Loving our neighbor as ourselves. Let's Rock & Roll and Change the World facebook
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